A downloadable game for Windows

Storage Rental 101 is a tiny management game where the goal is to make as much money as possible by renting out storage units while keeping your customers loyal to your company. With limited storage units, how will you maximise profit?

How to Play:

When you launch the game, in the "New clients" tab, you have a potential client! If you want to let them hire a storage unit, click 'Accept'. If you don't click 'Reject'. Then go to 'Clients' Here is your list of clients! Here, you can either charge your customers more (Making them less loyal to you), or the opposite. Once your happy, click the 'End week' button. Keep doing this, and before you know it, you're running a company!


Source Code 18 kB
Storage Rental 101 for Windows 3 MB

Install instructions

To play the game, unzip the .zip, and run 'storagerental101.exe'

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